Thought Partner Introduction Service
CTO Thought Partner Introduction Service
Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you would like to brainstorm or speak to someone just like you?
There's no doubt about it, it's lonely at the top!
Sometimes you do not need a highly experienced mentor, you do not need an expensive coach, you just need to speak to another CTO. Someone that understands the challenges you face and can offer an alternative perspective.
Sometimes you just need to be a thought partner.
Once you've added your details through the form above, we’ll search through our list of other London CTOs members who have agreed to connect with a thought partner and find people that could be a good match.
Once we have found some profiles we will share them with you for you to select your preferred option(s).
We will then make the introductions and leave you to connect with your thought partner to ensure there is suitable chemistry and build an onward relationship.
The whole process is 100% free and part of the benefits of being a London CTOs member.
Will it work?
Maybe..? Hopefully..? Eventually!
We have found that matchmaking is very much like blind dating, sometimes it leads to a life long partner, sometimes it leads to a one time thing. It's not possible to guarantee success in every connection we make however we do pledge to keep making introductions until you’ve found a connection that works for you.
What is a thought partner?
We call them thought partners but they are just other members of the London CTOs community, just like you.
They will usually help by being a sounding board, brainstorming partner or critical friend. They will offer an outside perspective or maybe some fresh ideas on challenges you are facing. ​
Ultimately the idea of connecting with a thought partner is to find someone that is in a similar situation and similar career point to you but has a different set of experiences to draw on.
If you connect with the right thought partner you may find someone that you can speak to for the rest of your career.
We would love to help you do just that!
Thought Partner Requests
Below is a selection of some of our recent requests from current members looking for a thought partner. Feel free to connect by signing up and entering their profile number in the form